How should football change to remain the world game? We begin this series by looking at why the proposal for a European Super League collapsed so quickly. Watch the TIFO presentation How the European Super League fell apart - A Timeline,  here

The Football Supporters' Association were at the forefront of opposition to the ESL helping to mobilise supporters organisations across Europe in protest against the ESL, see here FSA and opposition across Europe

In the week or so since the promoters of the idea withdrew their plans, there has been a wide-ranging debate about the future of football which moves the issue beyond protest to generating  proposals for alternatives. In this space we will follow these ideas, many of which revolve around new models of governance, involving varying levels of  supporter's involvement; much broader representation and diversity in club ownership and management; new funding models, including controlling players salaries and introducing levies to distribute income from football from the top of the pyramid to the grassroots. We highlight some of these proposals here, beginning with a survey published in The Times 24th April, where a panel of experts presented their views on the ESL plan and what alternative plans they would recommend. Their views are summarised in the document which you can download here.